
January 31, 1997 - Friday

Today went pretty good.  We had a Zone Conference this morning [A district is several companionships, and a zone is several districts].  It was on how to have more effective discussions.  At first we were taken aside (all those in there 1 - 3 months in the country), and we had a little meeting on our parts in the discussion and how to effectively study for discussions. 

Then I went on a split with Hughes - we went to the office and I picked up money and then went to the post office to mail my letters.  Then we came home to my apartment.  We met Woolverton & Johnson who changed and we all ate spaghetti and then they left to go to a soccer game.  We [Ст. Hughes & I] were supposed to study - well we both fell asleep and then picked up a pop, and a dan cake [?  no idea what I was talking about] to watch some movie.  I didn't catch what it is called though.  Because Ст. Jurvelein called right as it was starting and I had to go answer the phone as the movie started. 

Now Ст.Woolverton is back and we are watching a different movie called "Ironclads."  Just before they got back Ст. Paige called.  He's a cool guy.  I like him and will miss him & Barnes & Johnson pretty soon.  Barnes goes home on the 12th, and Paige goes home 3 weeks later and Johnson goes out to Nizhny at transfers on the 12th also.  It's a pity.  well night


  1. I totally remember Dan cakes. Those rolled up cakes with frosting and fruit filling rolled up inside. Like a giant Ho-Ho. Mmmm.

  2. Oh yeah! Now I remember. I just thought that I was misspellling something, and I couldn't figure out what it was. That's hilarious.
