
May 20, 1997 - Tuesday

Today was interesting.  We had district meeting which was a lot of bashing against Pres. Jarvis and his new rule about not going above the ring line at all, even on P-Days.  It'll be hard to live that rule.  Then we came home and ate peanut butter sandwiches.  Well we went and picked up some milk and peanut butter at Stockman's [which incidentally right on the ring line]. 

Then I slept for an hour and we went to a беседа [discussion] with Евгенния [Yevgenniya].  We got a Russian lesson and then we went over D&C 89 before leaving at 9:00[pm].  It was a great responsibility to teach and testify and make - mistakes.  At one point I went off on some thing and I stopped at the end of a sentence and asked Ст. Schwartz "where was I going with that."  Then I just testified to her about something.  Well it's time to get a snack and hit the sack.  bye.

[Post-journal chat - Peanut butter is pretty expensive compared to in America - that's why we had to go to Stockman's to buy it.  Stockman's is a pretty big grocery store.  Well when I say pretty big, I mean big for Russia.  Most of their stores are Circle K size places.  Stockman's was two or three Circle Ks put together.  It stocked several American, or European items that you can't get anywhere else.  They have milk from Finland & it comes in 3.5%, 1.5% & .5% in stead of 2%, 1% & Fat Free like here in the US.  The 3.5% makes corn chowder sooooooo goooood.  Very creamy.]

May 19, 1997 - Monday

Well we went over to a slightly inactive family.  Actually she is the lady who cleans our clothes [Сестра Ягадкина - Sister Yagadkina (which translates to berry)].  Well I'm back from English Class.  We gave a 1st D in English after English Class.  It was to these two people, Александр и [Alexander ?]  Some lady.  Well we gave them Book of Mormons and I told them that I would write down some words in English & Russian, like faith love etc.  It was really cool. 

In the D she said I didn't know the Book of Mormon was true.  It was cool because I remember a story about two missionaries tracting and they talked with a guy on the door, well he said the same thing.  You can't tell me or know that Joseph Smith was a prophet - he slammed the door and they left.  Well the greenie thought about it and said they didn't answer the guy.  They went back and the greenie bore his testimony to that man which ended in a baptism.  Well that story flashed through my mind and I testified to her.  That I did know that the Book of Mormon was true - through the Holy Ghost.  It felt really good.  Well it's time for bed.  Nighty night.

May 18th, 1997 - Sunday

Hey how's it going Diary Reading fans.  We had a busy day today.  Church was from 8:30am to 2:10pm.  Well that's how long we were out of the house.  After church we ate and I took a nap.  I had a killer headache and I was just plain tired.  That was an hour and a half. 

Then we went to a беседа [besyeda - discussion] with this cool inactive family.  The father Юри [Yuri],  was really friendly.  The wife - Таля [Talya] was pretty pessimistic about things.  It sounded like she was mad at Брат Woolsey [one of my MTC teachers] for taking away Катя [Katya - Брат Woolsey's now wife] or just the fact that some of the females go to church to meet men from America.  Right now it's time to go to bed & I'm listening to the "Humpty Dance" really loud.  bye

May 17, 1997 - Saturday

Well today we went to the cd reenik.  Oh what a lovely place - the birds are always singing - there is always the sun in the sky.  I'm now at 63 cds - up 18 from 45.  I got a couple that I don't know if I'll like, but what will make great presents to my family.

My companion is keeping busy with the Area Book.  [Each companionship is responsible for a geographic area and works with the members and investigators in that area to further missionary work.  If missionaries were suddenly replaced then the new missionaries wouldn't know who was in the area, at what stage they were in etc. unless we kept records - ie. the Area Book.]  

[Elder Schwartz]'s a good guy.  We played chess twice.  The first time he got me.  But the second time he tried the old "4 move checkmate" thing.  Well the thing is if you move your horse out and you can kill their queen after a couple of moves.  He's not afraid to trade pieces though.  I can see he'll be better than me someday.  When he gets good at chess he'll wipe me up.