Well it's my first day with Ст. Shwartz. My first morning [in a new apartment] and the water is off. It was so cold. You would not believe how cold it was. I did my head first and then face and shaved. Then I got back in and decided to wash the rest of me. It was cold, baby.
We had big biscuits and thick gravy for breakfast. I could only eat 1 1/2 because they were so big. I'm getting a radio and my cd player back from [Ст.] Woolverton. I bought his radio. It's cool. So huge. I love it. Well I guess I'd better study.
This is a review of my two year mission in the Moscow/Moscow South Mission - from September 11th, 1996 to September 14th, 1998. It is not preceisely just the two years, but starts a little before.
May 12, 1997 - Monday
Новый День у меня [New Day at me - I'm sure I was meaning "It's a new day for me"]
Well I talked to my mom and dad, Nick and Grandma yesterday night. Mother's Day had finally rolled around. It was weird again. I basically just talked with them. Not about anything in particular. Grandma Richardson was up because my cousin Kyle was up in Nampa and she hasn't seen him for a very long while. She told me to write him. I told her I just did. Everything is weird. I want to go home. Last night after talking to them Ст. Gammon and I did comp. planning and inventory. Oh it's still the 12th. It's Ст. King's birthday - Woohoo.
Well I talked to my mom and dad, Nick and Grandma yesterday night. Mother's Day had finally rolled around. It was weird again. I basically just talked with them. Not about anything in particular. Grandma Richardson was up because my cousin Kyle was up in Nampa and she hasn't seen him for a very long while. She told me to write him. I told her I just did. Everything is weird. I want to go home. Last night after talking to them Ст. Gammon and I did comp. planning and inventory. Oh it's still the 12th. It's Ст. King's birthday - Woohoo.
Well I found out that I will be in a different Приход [preehod - Branch] next Sunday. Даже Четверг [even Thursday]. I'll be companions with a Ст. Shwartz. I went on splits with him a couple of Fridays ago. He's a pretty cool guy and he's only been out a month more than me. It's great. I finally feel like I'll have a chance to grow. I really want to be a good missionary who works hard, is a great guy and has an awesome CD collection. Right now I don't know if you can do that, but I'll try for goodness sakes.
Well it's time to go to bed. I got a picture from Gilbert. He said "That's what nine months will do to you." He was dressed up like a pregnant girl. He's been out 9 months. Cool huh?
May 11, 1997 - Sunday
Малу и Пьер и Юри [Malout and Pierre and Yuri] got baptized.
![]() |
Left to Right - Elder Gammon, Arman, Pierre, Malout, Marina (Pierre's wife), Me, Yuri, (?) |
May 6, 1997 - Tuesday
Well tonight was pretty weird. I'm on splits with Ст. King. We went to a D in his area and then we went to Planet Hollywood. [I wonder if dinner at Planet Hollywood was for my B-Day - May 8th - because the next post after this is May 11th?? So this birthday isn't even mentioned.] It was cool. There was so many good looking chicks. Well we came home and watched tv - nothing interesting.
well night
well night
May 5, 1997 - Monday
Well I f*ing suck. Always have, always will. Anyways we had a D with Евгенний and Марина today. It was alright, but not that good. I hate myself - not really, but I feel so empty right now. I will be comps with Ст. Gammon for another month. Someone up there hates me. I just feel so freaking empty. Nothing really bothers me except the fact I feel so f*ing empty.
At least I took out my $140 from home. Cool huh? I told Ст. Gammon that I would be going to the CD рынок and he said that was fine, but he would be going with and we would use up hours for our P-Day. I told him I didn't really like the idea. We will see what happens. I'm in a really rebellious mood and I don't f*ing care anymore. Ya see - so bite me ya X#&%S?!!
At least I took out my $140 from home. Cool huh? I told Ст. Gammon that I would be going to the CD рынок and he said that was fine, but he would be going with and we would use up hours for our P-Day. I told him I didn't really like the idea. We will see what happens. I'm in a really rebellious mood and I don't f*ing care anymore. Ya see - so bite me ya X#&%S?!!
May 4th, Sunday
Man neither Алла or Евгенний [Alla or Yevgenni] came to church today but the meeting was really good. It was fast and testimony meeting and Сестра Вера [Sister Vera] - "the glue in the bob corner" as Ст. Sefcik likes to say. Ст. Russel and Pres. Карнеев [Karneyev] bore their testimonies. It was really good. So did the "слава тебе" [glory to you] lady. Then I went off with the young men. They kept beating each other. I felt like whacking them also. Ст. King picked on Влад [Vlad] for a little bit. That wasn't very cool.
I have a really good idea for an activity from Ст. Gammon. If everything goes as planned, I will have the young men clean Васили Гарбунов's and Геннади Тен's [Vasili Garbunov's and Gennadi Ten's] cars for a service project. In secret, then we will go eat Dunkin' Donuts and hot chocolate. It should be fun.
[Post journal chat - You know, I don't remember if we actually did anything like this for a service project. I hope we did - it sounds like fun. Maybe later in my journal we'll hear about it. Check out the Location that I saved it on. When you go close enough, you can see the building we lived in and which end of the building. Pretty sweet.]
I have a really good idea for an activity from Ст. Gammon. If everything goes as planned, I will have the young men clean Васили Гарбунов's and Геннади Тен's [Vasili Garbunov's and Gennadi Ten's] cars for a service project. In secret, then we will go eat Dunkin' Donuts and hot chocolate. It should be fun.
[Post journal chat - You know, I don't remember if we actually did anything like this for a service project. I hope we did - it sounds like fun. Maybe later in my journal we'll hear about it. Check out the Location that I saved it on. When you go close enough, you can see the building we lived in and which end of the building. Pretty sweet.]
anonymous service,
Elder King,
Elder Russl Sr.,
fast and testimony meeting,
post journal chat,
Sister Vera,
Yevgeni and Marina,
Young Men's
Prospekt Vernadskogo, Moscow, Russia
May 2, 1997 - Friday
Had a cool D with the Басовы (Basovwi). Today is so awesome day [what?]. First yesterday Пьер (Pierre) had his interview with President Jarvis and everything will go forward for the 11th of May. That is so awesome. It was [a] pretty busy day for us yesterday. We went signboarding in the park and I didn't like it as much. Then we dropped off a degree of specifications by Брат Локшин [Brother Lokshin]. When we got home I called Ири Магалевский [Yuri Magalevski - I'm not too sure about the last name] because we had a book he wanted called Наше Наследия, Our Heritage. Well he invited us over right then to give it to him. Well we went over and talked to him until 10:30pm - then went to bed.
Well today I was on splits with Ст. Shwartz. He's a pretty funny guy. We went signboarding and then we had a huge lunch. Tacos. It was 2 hours though. Then we went signboarding again down on the metro by Юго-запедная [Yugo-Zapednaya or South-West] and I talked to two really cool people. One walked around after we talked and read the BOM [Book of Mormon]. Okay, then we left there and went to Алла's [Alla's]. It was so rad. The Spirit was really strong and I thought I spoke really good. It was because the Spirit was there so strong. She opened with prayer and I could just immediately feel the Spirit. We read the D's but she was really patient and she kept trying to feed us soup or to warm up our чай - which might have been real. We committed her to baptism. So we scheduled her to be baptized on the 9th of June. Then we came home and I called Евгений [Yevgenii] for tomorrow. Well it's late so we'll go to bed.
Well today I was on splits with Ст. Shwartz. He's a pretty funny guy. We went signboarding and then we had a huge lunch. Tacos. It was 2 hours though. Then we went signboarding again down on the metro by Юго-запедная [Yugo-Zapednaya or South-West] and I talked to two really cool people. One walked around after we talked and read the BOM [Book of Mormon]. Okay, then we left there and went to Алла's [Alla's]. It was so rad. The Spirit was really strong and I thought I spoke really good. It was because the Spirit was there so strong. She opened with prayer and I could just immediately feel the Spirit. We read the D's but she was really patient and she kept trying to feed us soup or to warm up our чай - which might have been real. We committed her to baptism. So we scheduled her to be baptized on the 9th of June. Then we came home and I called Евгений [Yevgenii] for tomorrow. Well it's late so we'll go to bed.
April 28, 1997 - Monday
[Pre-Post Chat - Okay folks let's remember that feelings about people aren't static...they change, and are fluid. So a pre-apology to Dennis if you're reading this...sorry and I don't feel the same way now. Plus sometimes if I am talking bad about someone I may or may not hide/alter their names to protect the innocent...yadda, yadda, yadda!]
Oh do I...I don't. I definitely won't mind next changes. Unless I go with someone like like H****s or something, then I'm fine. In comp-inventory Ст. Gammon said something like "If we go in and teach Евгенний & Марина [Yevgenni & Marina] by just reading, we are going to bore them to death." Well I'm glad he's so f*ing perfect!! So instead of saying that I just told him maybe we should go over the Ds in the morning and see how you'd teach them.
He's been putting me on splits with Ст. King a lot. Who's a good friend from home, but he's not that hard a worker. When I'm with him I don't work hard either. We were on splits Saturday night and we flipped on the tube. It was my idea, I have to admit. Earlier that Saturday we were on [splits] earlier for the zone blitzing [where all the missionaries in a zone would all to the same area/or a couple of areas and do contacting to help that district]. We went to someones apartment and wasted time until about 11am (from 10am) and then went and walked around for 1 1/2 hrs contacting two people. So you can see why I would never want him for a comp. I thought I would, but I don't.
We have Zone Conference coming up. It should be dang good. We are eating afterward and then having a night of laughter [Вечер Смеха]. Each district is suppose to have a skit. I[t] should be dang good. I've been going over next weeks lesson in the priesthood manual last night. It takes a while for me to translate it. It's alright though. Bye.
Oh do I...I don't. I definitely won't mind next changes. Unless I go with someone like like H****s or something, then I'm fine. In comp-inventory Ст. Gammon said something like "If we go in and teach Евгенний & Марина [Yevgenni & Marina] by just reading, we are going to bore them to death." Well I'm glad he's so f*ing perfect!! So instead of saying that I just told him maybe we should go over the Ds in the morning and see how you'd teach them.
He's been putting me on splits with Ст. King a lot. Who's a good friend from home, but he's not that hard a worker. When I'm with him I don't work hard either. We were on splits Saturday night and we flipped on the tube. It was my idea, I have to admit. Earlier that Saturday we were on [splits] earlier for the zone blitzing [where all the missionaries in a zone would all to the same area/or a couple of areas and do contacting to help that district]. We went to someones apartment and wasted time until about 11am (from 10am) and then went and walked around for 1 1/2 hrs contacting two people. So you can see why I would never want him for a comp. I thought I would, but I don't.
We have Zone Conference coming up. It should be dang good. We are eating afterward and then having a night of laughter [Вечер Смеха]. Each district is suppose to have a skit. I[t] should be dang good. I've been going over next weeks lesson in the priesthood manual last night. It takes a while for me to translate it. It's alright though. Bye.
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