Yesterday [Saturday June 14, 1997] was pretty fun. We had a празник [holiday] for the 150 yr anniversary of the pioneers' trek across the U.S. We met at the opening of Измайловский парк and we walked through it to a lake in the middle. Then we had a couple of talks by some church members and on by През. Jarvis [Pres.]. Then I waited in line forever for a hot dog that basically sucked. Then everybody played soccer or volleyball. I played volleyball. My team - all guys one [won] 3 in a row and we were so tired that we kind of let the 4th one go. It was just so hot.
I had the handkerchief Mike [Herrick - my brother] gave me wrapped around my neck so I wouldn't get a bad sunburn. Well I kind of forgot about my face. It's not too bad. Just a little red, but my face will definitely be darker. I have a pretty good tan now.
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