
June 6, 1997 - Friday

Today went pretty good.  We had a picnic at Коломенская парк [Kolomenskaya park].  It was pretty.  It was pretty much a missionary party.  But oh well, we had 3 members and hopefully it strengthened them. 

Then as we walked back to the metro these two attractive women stopped Дима [Dima] (a member) and I because we were speaking English.  They want to come to our English class.  I was wrighting [yes - that is how I spelled it.  Of course I meant "writing," but as skill in one language increases, a lessening occurs in another...so writing] down where and stuff and one girl was standing really close to me on a curb and pressing her tits against my shoulder.  It was pretty unerving [yeah mispelled that as well].  As we walked past they said "mmhm" twice and then said "excuse me" when we were really past them, but I stopped and they talked with us for awhile.  They were dangerously attractive.  Well I'll see. 

Then we also met this stud named Дима [same name, different guy] who speaks English and might be our investigator.  He lives on Орехово and is a stud.

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