
June 22, 1997 - Sunday

Today was so freaking busy.  It's really nice to have goals you can accomplish.  Like speaking your language.  This last 4 days we have spoken about 49 hrs of SYLing.  We had better win that award.  2 DPs had better be waiting for me.

[mid-journal chat - Remember from the MTC - SYLing is Speaking Your Language - ie. 1.  Speaking in Russian to everybody who can understand Russian - that means to each other most of all because we are almost always together.  2.  When you can't express yourself in Russian - you first ask in Russian if you can speak English, and then you can say it in English. 

Toward the end of my mission my last companion (Elder Andrew Wright) & I SYLed for about 2 months.  The only times we didn't SYL were when we were at English Class - and then we only spoke English to those in our classroom, and to the Senior Couple Missionaries that didn't understand Russian much at all.  It was actually pretty fun.  But sometimes a little boring.  At one point Elder Andy Wright and I were speaking in a mexican accent - in Russian.  We did others too - Irish, British etc.  They weren't very good, except for the Mexican - the Mexican accent was AWESOME - I mean it actually sounded hispanic.  Ahhh Andy - where are you?]

Well we had our [D with the] Залыгин's and the girls pretty much talked among themselves and we listened in.  It was pretty cool.  We also had a D with Николай и Татяна [Nickolai & Tatyana], but Володия [Volodiya] asked at the end if they had a date with babtism [there I go again mispelling things - baptism].  It was suppose to be last Saturday - yep Yesterday - well thanks for letting the investigators know about it.  Well Володия scheduled it for next Sunday.  We won't be able to accomplish everything this week, so I had to call them and tell them that we would have to do it через воскресение [next Sunday - literally through Sunday]. 

Other than that, nothing except Ст. Jurvelin wants to go on splits.  Well night.

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