
October 24, 1996 - Thursday

Well tonight has been rather peculiar.  One of the Elders in one of the new districts is having a hard time so Ст. Kindred came in here and dressed really fast and then we had a group hug and I told them that I know God loves them.  Ст. Kindred was crying and wanted the Spirit so bad.  He is so humble.  He has the longest prayers I have ever heard. 

[I don't think that I explained earlier, but Ст. Kindred was now an AP in our building/ward - so he would take the newbies on a tour every Wed. and visit the other districts etc. to see how everyone was doing.  Whenever there was a problem - he was the go-to guy.]

Ст. Parks and I talked quite a bit tonight.  I felt a little like I am being left out of the companionship but I didn't know exactly why or what they could do.  I feel weird tonight.  I bore my testimony to one of the Portugal Elders.  They are two or three weeks old - the English speaking a week or two old. 

Well it's about 5 after 11 so I'd better get to bed.  I'd better pray good tonight to feel better.  That always helps.

[Post jounal chat - I've noticed for the past 3 entries that the way I write in English is getting confused and different.  I see little bits of Russian grammar sneaking in to my English.  Interesting huh?]

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