
May 12, 1997 - Monday

Новый День у меня [New Day at me - I'm sure I was meaning "It's a new day for me"] 

Well I talked to my mom and dad, Nick and Grandma yesterday night.  Mother's Day had finally rolled around.  It was weird again.  I basically just talked with them.  Not about anything in particular.  Grandma Richardson was up because my cousin Kyle was up in Nampa and she hasn't seen him for a very long while.  She told me to write him.  I told her I just did.  Everything is weird.  I want to go home.  Last night after talking to them Ст. Gammon and I did comp. planning and inventory.  Oh it's still the 12th.  It's Ст. King's birthday - Woohoo. 

Well I found out that I will be in a different Приход [preehod - Branch] next Sunday.  Даже Четверг [even Thursday].  I'll be companions with a Ст. Shwartz.  I went on splits with him a couple of Fridays ago.  He's a pretty cool guy and he's only been out a month more than me.  It's great.  I finally feel like I'll have a chance to grow.  I really want to be a good missionary who works hard, is a great guy and has an awesome CD collection.  Right now I don't know if you can do that, but I'll try for goodness sakes.

Well it's time to go to bed.  I got a picture from Gilbert.  He said "That's what nine months will do to you."  He was dressed up like a pregnant girl.  He's been out 9 months.  Cool huh?

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