
February 8, 1997 - Saturday

Well ladies & gentlemen it is 3 days from departure for my trainer.  We were with them today and yesterday.  Just a little each day.  Now I'm on a split with Ст. Hughes because I'm going to a play called "The Ideal Husband."  It should be interesting.  This last week since I wrote last we haven't done squat.  P-Day we wrote letters and shopped a little.  Bought a heater so the apartment has been nice & toasty.  Thursday & Friday I don't remember what I did, but it wasn't proselyting.

Last night we went over to Barnes' & then to Larsen & Larson's.  I lost in chess, to Paige & then to Woolverton.  Tuesday night we watched "Money Train."  It was pretty cool. 

Today, Saturday, Reenik Day, I bought 22 cds.  No Doubt, Spin Doctors, R.E.M., too [or two if you're not mixed up about English] really cool alternative discs, the Who, Bon Jovi, Joan Osborne, Cranberries, the list goes on & on.  It's amazing.  The new Hootie Album that I didn't even have back home.  I bought Madonna's Immaculate Collection, I really don't remember the rest. 

I saw this cd I really want called Smash Hits and I asked how much, but the guy that ran that part of the tent wasn't there so he didn't know how much.  That sucks.  That is my favorite.  It has all these cool songs on there like "Turn the Beat Around."  I also saw a greatest hits of her, Gloria Estefan.  But I didn't buy it because it didn't have that on there.  Well we are about to go to the play, so I'll talk to you later, bye.

Okay back from the play.  It was pretty.....weird.  It had some funny parts in it and stuff, but we couldn't follow it because we didn't understand everything.  It was from Britian originally.  You could tell with all of the cop uniforms and stuff.  The stuff would be the British sexual humor like Benny Hill.  We decided to leave at 10pm if the play didn't end because we still had to make some stew and eat.  Well it got close and the finale came.  You could tell that the play was about to end.

The stew took until 11:40pm and now I'm writing in my journal so it can cool down.  The stew is dang good though it's like so chock full of everything.  It's amazing.  We, Hughes helped, made some pretty dang good stuff.

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