
November 14, 1996 - Thursday

It's 12:43 at night.  I've just completed my first day in Russia - plus I've been awake for 34 hours.  Okay what do I think of Russia?  I feel a love for the people but I can't express myself yet so I can't help the people & show them how I love them.  I went on quite a long taxi ride - a long metro ride and I met my first Russian members.  They're not in my branch but I will probably see them again.

When we first got here at 2:15 - which was 24hrs & 15 minutes from when we woke up [in the MTC to get ready].  We went into the last half of a mission conference with L. Tom Perry.  It was cool.  I got to go up and shake his hand [at the end of the conference], because he had already shaken everybody else's hand.  I met my companion, Elder Barnes.  He's cool & just about to go home.  So I'm going to bed because I've not had much sleep.  night

[Post journal chat - I'd like to share our trip through the airport.  Us four Elders got off the plane and followed the rest of the crowd down a hall and into the customs area.  We were standing in one of the lines when we noticed a gal holding a sign that read "Herrick, Parks +2"  Now my first thought was "This lady is from the Mission Home?"

 Let me tell you why.  Here I was straight from the MTC - 2 months of NO TV, NO newspapers, NO nothing...and here there was this pretty (OK she was HOT) girl and her skirt was the shortest that I have ever seen in my life up to that point.  The test in our school was if you put your arms down to your side the skirt had to go past your fingers.  Her skirt was almost covered by her jacket - it probably didn't even reach past her wrists. 

Okay - so we moved up closer and said that we were Herrick & Parks etc. - it was pretty cool because the lady took us up to the front of the line.  For a minute Parks thought that he had lost his passport, but he found it and we all got stamped and then we bypassed customs with our bags and Boom - we were done and putting our stuff in the van that the mission driver had parked right outside the front doors.]

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